Rigi User's Manual
Rigi User's Manual
What is Rigi?
About This Book
System Requirements
Using the Editor
List Demo
Ray Demo
Using the Editor
Traversing the subsystem hierarchy
Object level
Making selections
Arranging nodes
Identifying subsystems
Traversing the hierarchy
Detailed information
Graph quality
Rigi Views
Finishing Up
Running the Editor
Working with Menus
Using the Node menu
Using the Arc menu
Configuring the Editor
Rigi configuration parameters
Creating a new configuration file
Modifying a configuration file
Overriding the configuration file
Defining the default text editor
Defining the default web browser
Defining fonts
Defining the default database directory
Working with Domains
Domain files
Changing the current domain
Running Scripts
Entering a script command
Retrieving previously entered commands
Listing available commands
Listing global variables
Finishing Up
Working with Graphs
Rigi Standard Format
Saving a graph
Loading a graph
Clearing a graph
Window Basics
Window types
Activating a window
Raising the active window
Stacking (cascading) the windows
Refreshing a window
Updating a window
Closing the active window
Closing all windows
Bringing up the Settings dialog
Making Selections
Selecting a node
Selecting an arc
Selecting grouped nodes by dragging
Selecting and deselecting nodes by shift-clicking
Selecting all nodes
Complementing selected nodes
Deselecting a node
Deselecting all nodes
Selecting nodes by name
Selecting nodes by attribute
Selecting nodes by structure
Selecting nodes by type
Selecting neighboring nodes along outgoing arcs
Selecting neighboring nodes along incoming arcs
Selecting reachable nodes along outgoing arcs
Selecting reachable nodes along incoming arcs
Working with Nodes
Node types
Changing current node type
Renaming a node
Changing the type of a node
Editing attributes of a node
Editing annotation for a node
Editing the source text for a node
Opening a URL for a node
Changing node type colors
Working with Arcs
Arc types
Changing current arc type
Changing the type of an arc
Editing attributes of an arc
Editing annotation for an arc
Opening a URL for an arc
Changing arc type colors
Opening windows
Presenting the children of nodes
Presenting the parents of nodes
Presenting the neighbors of nodes
Presenting selected nodes in a new window
Presenting a projection
Presenting an overview
Presenting a fisheye view
Editing the Graph
Creating a new node
Creating a new arc
Deleting nodes
Deleting an arc
Collapsing a subsystem
Expanding a subsystem
Cutting a subgraph
Copying a subgraph
Pasting a subgraph
Showing the clipboard
Clearing the clipboard
Using Filters
Hiding names of nodes
Showing names of nodes
Hiding selected nodes
Showing previously hidden nodes
Showing and hiding nodes by type
Showing and hiding arcs by type
Inheriting filter settings
Scaling the Focus
Fitting nodes within a window
Fitting selected nodes within a window
Zooming in
Zooming out
Restoring the focus
Automatic scaling
Making Arrangements
Moving a node
Moving several selected nodes
Arranging nodes horizontally
Arranging nodes vertically
Arranging nodes into a grid
Arranging all nodes into a grid
Arranging reachable nodes along outgoing arcs into a tree
Arranging reachable nodes along incoming arcs into a tree
Arranging all nodes in a Sugiyama layout
Arranging all nodes in a spring layout
Moving nodes to a pile
Moving nodes in synch
Moving nodes with constraints
Viewing Reports
Reporting numbers of nodes and arcs
Reporting cyclomatic complexity
Viewing node neighborhood and dependency information
Reporting subsystem dependency information
Viewing information for an arc
Reporting information for a composite arc
Reporting graph quality
Working with Views
Saving a view
Loading a view
Using the Toolbar
Toolbar Buttons
Using SHriMP Windows
Presenting a SHriMP window
Revealing the children of a node
Eliding the children of a node
Filtering children
Enlarging the size of a node
Reducing the size of a node
Seeing the node name
Adjusting the step size
Overlapping children
Layout constraints
Presenting a Children window
Viewing the annotation for a node
Editing the source text for a node
Directory Structure
Mouse Actions
Keyboard Shortcuts
Menu Commands
File menu
Edit menu
Navigate menu
Select menu
Filter menu
Scale menu
Layout menu
Report menu
Window menu
Demo menu
Options menu
Help menu
Node menu
Arc menu
About this document ...
James Uhl
Wed Jul 10 14:13:22 PDT 1996