You can program the editor by writing scripts using the Rigi Command Library (RCL) to automate tasks, customize features, and integrate capabilities. There is an RCL command corresponding to each menu command.
Tip: For most tasks in the handbook, the corresponding RCL
command(s) are listed at the end of the task description.
These commands (and others) can be assembled into procedures using the Tcl scripting language; this language is described in the book:
John K. Ousterhout, Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, Addison-Wesley, April 1994, ISBN 0-201-63337-X.
When rigiedit starts, it loads the system RCL startup script specified by the configuration parameter RIGIRCL.
Technical: This file essentially defines RCL in terms of more
primitive commands (prefixed by double underscores); you
can completely redefine RCL if you want.
Then rigiedit loads your personal RCL startup script specified by the configuration parameter RIGIURCL (if defined). Then, if so specified, the script file specified in the -i command-line option to rigiedit is loaded.
A domain model may also specify a domain-specific script to
be run initially whenever the model is loaded
This script is named Rigircl and is stored in a
subdirectory, of the same name as the domain, within a
directory pointed to by the configuration parameter