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Rigi Views

One way to document the graph is to create, save, and load rigiedit views. A rigiedit view is a snapshot of the appearance of one or more windows and their contents at a given point in time. After loading a view, you can still interact with its windows. Views provide a flexible way to focus attention on important facets of the subject software. You generally create views after the subsystem hierarchy is completed.

tex2html_wrap_inline4844 Note: A view and the underlying graph model on which the view is based must correspond. If the graph in memory changes, older views may not work correctly.

tex2html_wrap_inline4844 Note: Text editor window s and their report contents cannot be saved in a view.

To save a rigiedit view of all the canvas windows on the screen:

  1. Open and arrange the contents of the windows as desired.

    Locations of nodes, filter settings, and current selections (anything you see) are part of the view.

  2. Move and resize the windows of your view as desired.

    Position, size, and scroll settings are recorded.

  3. Choose Save Graph As ... from the File menu.

    A File dialog appears for saving your work. You need to save the graph model on which a view depends.

  4. Type a filename for the graph and click OK to save the graph.

    tex2html_wrap_inline4854 Tip: A suffix of .rsf is useful for distinguishing graph files.

  5. Choose Save View As ... from the File menu.

    A File dialog appears for saving the view.

  6. Type a filename for the view in the File dialog and click OK.

    tex2html_wrap_inline4854 Tip: A suffix of .view is useful for distinguishing view files.

If necessary, the file suffixes are added automatically.

When loading a rigiedit view, you must ensure that the graph in memory is the same as the graph on which the view was based.


To load a rigiedit view:

  1. Choose Close All from the Window menu.

    All rigiedit windows become closed except the root window.

  2. Choose Load Graph ... from the File menu.

    A File dialog appears for loading the graph on which the view is based.

  3. Select the graph to load, and click OK.

    When loading a graph, an alert appears, reminding you that the graph in memory will be cleared.

  4. Choose Load View ... from the File menu.

    A File dialog appears for loading the view.

  5. Pick the view to load and click OK.

    One or more windows will be opened with the same contents and arrangement as the windows previously saved in the view.

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James Uhl
Wed Jul 10 14:13:22 PDT 1996